Your name: | * |
Maiden Name used in High School: | |
Please choose the items that you would like to have published to be distributed to classmates: Click to answer | Use Ctrl+Click (or Cmd-click on a Mac) to select multiple values. * |
Address: | * |
E-mail Address: | * |
Spouse/Guest name for nametag: | |
Attending with me: | Spouse/Partner Guest Married to Classmate in C/O '91 |
Children (list names and ages): | |
Occupation (promote your business or services): | |
Spouse's/Partner's Occupation (promote their business or services): | |
What highlights of your life do you want to share with us? | |
How many states or countries have you lived in? (Most Places Lived) | |
How many miles did you travel to attend this reunion? (Longest Distance Traveled) | |
What is the most unusual job you have ever held? (Most Unusual Job) | |
How long have you been married? (Longest Married) | |
How long have you been married? (Newest Newlywed) | |
When did you have your most recent child? (Most Recent Parent) | |
Still a bachelor/bachelorette and loving it? What do you love about it the most? One chosen for each. Winner chosen by most comical response. (Most Eligible Bachelor/Bachelorette) | |
MUSIC REQUEST: List up to 4 songs you would like to hear at the reunion. List song name and artist. | |
Waiver: It is my understanding that myself and any guests of mine will be responsible for our actions, and will jointly and severally indemnify and hold harmless the Reunion Committee from and against all claims of any nature, including personal injuries or property damage sustained by myself and/or my guests in conjunction with the reunion and the cost and expenses (including attorney fees) of defending against such claims. I agree: | * |
Is there anything you would like to donate? Please specify. | Use Ctrl+Click (or Cmd-click on a Mac) to select multiple values. |
If you would like to donate, please indicate what. You will be contacted. If money, how much? If goods, what in particular. If services, when? | |
If you own a business or know someone that does, we are requesting sponsorships for a hospitality suite that will serve as a registration/chill out room for the weekend. Interested? If so, you will be contacted. | Yes No |
* Required |
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